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Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual In New Tab Mac

  1. Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual In New Tab Mac Shortcut
  2. Open A Tab In Safari
  3. Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual In New Tab Mac Firefox
  4. Bing Open Search Results In New Tab
  5. Open New Tab In Safari

How to execute Selenium Webdriver in Chrome Browser Hello Welcome to Selenium Tutorial, today we will discuss Launch Chrome Browser using Selenium Webdriver. Selenium Webdriver by default support firefox browser only that is the reason we did not face any issue while working with Firefox.In order to execute your script in the different browser.

  • Fixed New Session is not spec compliant
  • Fixed ChromeDriver shouldn't launch Chrome if Chrome and ChromeDriver versions are incompatible
  • Fixed Find Element command returns wrong error code when an invalid locator is used
  • Fixed Some ChromeDriver status codes are wrong
  • Fixed Compile error in JS inside of WebViewImpl::DispatchTouchEventsForMouseEvents
  • Fixed Window size commands should handle user prompts
  • Fixed ChromeDriver doesn't start Chrome correctly with Chrome option 'user-data-dir='
  • Fixed Status command is not spec compliant
  • Fixed Add support for strictFileInteractability


The following codes are works both in Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual In New Tab Mac Shortcut

Open a link in a new window and switch to it:

First create a WebElement to the link. Now we need an Action chain to press Shift key and then click to the link.
It will open the link in a new window.

Open A Tab In Safari

Now we need to handle the window change.
First we set the main window to a String with getWindowHandle().
The second step is to get all the windows to a list with getWindowsHandles();
Now we remove the base window from the list and assert that the list size is 1.
After this we need to switch to the new window with the WebDriver:

Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual In New Tab Mac Firefox

To close the window and switch back to the main window, use the following steps:

Just for sure it was switched to the main window use the following window handles:

Open a link in a new tab and switch to it:

If we want to open the link in a new tab than we need to use the following action chain:

It press CTRL+SHIFT keys then click to the link.

The other steps are similar with the steps we used in “switch-to-new-window” code above.

Bing Open Search Results In New Tab

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